Spinulose Wood Fern

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Summer, Fall
2-3 Feet
Bare root/rhizome
Partial Shade
Ferns, Natives
Summer, Fall
2-3 Feet
Bare root/rhizome
Partial Shade
Ferns, Natives

What to Know Before Buying a Spinulose Wood Fern 

 The spinulose wood fern (Dryopteris Carthusiana) is a showy, semi-evergreen fern that grows in a vase-like formation. It is a native of the temperate Northern Hemisphere and is known as the toothed wooden fern, shield fern, and narrow buckler fern. 

 How tall does the Spinulose wood fern grow?

The spinulose wood fern grows to about 12-24 inches and spreads about the same width. It is a deciduous plant with green leaves that turn brownish copper before falling off. The leaves are usually glossy and dissected arching fronds that form a clumpy vase shape and typically grow from rhizomes growing below or on the ground.

 The leaf blades are usually three times or two times compounds, measure between 10 and 60 cm, and are bipinnate pinnatifid with a narrowly oval to a triangle shape. While the blades have no hairs, they have scales and lower triangular pinnae pairs. 

  The plant has no smell, does not flower, and does not produce fruits because it reproduces through spores. It has a moderate growth rate and requires low maintenance, making it an excellent fern plant to have around if you are busy. 

 What are the growing conditions of the Spinulose Wood Fern?

 While you can grow this plant throughout the year, it does best during mid and late spring, summer, and fall, and it does well in 2-8 USDA growing zones. 

  If you are planting more than one fern, leaving a space of about 90 cm is best.  It does well in moist but well-drained chalk, loam, clay, or silt soil with high organic matter. Overwatering could result in root rot, while underwatering will make it wilt and eventually die. The best soil pH for this plant is acidic or neutral below six. 

 It requires partial sun and shade, so ensure you plant it under a canopy if you are planting it outdoors. However, if you are growing it indoors, you can expose it to direct sunlight for two to six hours throughout the day and keep it in deep shade for around two hours. 

 When planting it outdoors, the best spots are near a septic tank, in a naturalized area, around trees and other plants, or in a small space. You can grow it as a border or accent plant or in bulk, and you can plant it in a cottage, rock, or woodland garden. 

  You can propagate your plant by division or using its spores. When using division, uproot the plant or remove it from the pot, shake off excess soil around the roots, then separate the small plants, ensuring you don't damage the roots. 

 When using spores, wait until the receptacles under the fronds turn dark and the membranes crack open. This indicates that the fronds are fertile, and they will release a fine black powder. Place the fronds in an envelope and have them close to a light source for a few days. 

 After the moisture dries out, remove any debris and store your spores in a cool, dry place until you plant them. 

Spinulose Wood Fern for sale online at Perennial Nursery.

 What are the benefits of growing Spinulose Wood Fern?

In addition to its low maintenance requirements, the spinulose wood fern is usually pest and disease-free, meaning you don't have to worry about handling any chemicals. It also repels rabbits and deer, making it an excellent plant around your garden.


1. Do wood ferns like sun or shade?

A. Wood ferns generally prefer shade or partial shade rather than direct sunlight.

2. Do wood ferns spread?

A. Yes, many wood ferns have the ability to spread through a couple of different mechanisms. One common way is through the growth of rhizomes. Rhizomes are underground stems that can produce new shoots and roots, allowing the fern to spread horizontally. 


  • 5
    spinulose wood fern

    Posted by spinulose wood fern on 13th Mar 2023

    These plants arrived very healthy looking; they also included planting instructions

  • 5
    Spinulose wood fern

    Posted by Ferns on 29th Nov 2022

    These are huge